News India Times – that’s all you need to know Assamese Documentary ‘Fehujali’ Clinches Many Awards At New Delhi Film Festival A ssamese documentary film ‘Fehujali’ based on underprivileged youth was screened at the esteemed seventh New Delhi Film Festival 2024 on Thursday, March 28, 2024. The film also clinched the Best Short Documentary award at the festival. Produced by the Director General of Police, Assam, ‘Fehujali’ is directed by Dr Partha Sarathi Mahanta who is currently posted as IGP (Special Task Force), Assam, with English subtitles meticulously curated by Dr Jovial Kalita. Director General of Police, Assam G.P. Singh, said at the event, “We have seen some young boys & girls join- ing camps of terrorist groups falling for various gim- micks being peddled. We decided to bring to the public domain true-life stories of disillusionment amongst those who had fallen prey to such a propaganda cam- paign and joined terrorist organizations. They wanted to share their ordeal with other similarly placed youths to prevent them frommaking the same mistake that they had made. It is our effort to awaken our youths to reality.” Director Dr Mahanta said, “The documentary ven- tures into the struggles of marginalized youths within the state, ensnared by extremist factions employing coercive methods, including financial enticement, as recruitment tactics. The narrative unfolds the disillusionment faced by these individuals upon realizing the futility of their purported mission to liberate Assam from India, recog- nizing themselves as mere pawns manipulated by foreign interests exploiting misguided patriotism. Their journey back home is one marked by shattered dreams and new- found clarity.” The documentary delves into the plight of underprivi- leged youths in the state, targeted by extremist groups as potential recruits through various coercive tactics, including the lure of money. Once inducted, these youths quickly discern the futil- ity of their so-called mission to liberate Assam from In- dia. They realize they are pawns manipulated by certain foreign powers exploiting misplaced patriotism, lead- ing them to return home disillusioned with the initially promised dreams. -ANI Dr. Parthasarthi Mahanta receiving award for Assamese documentary Fehujali. Photo:videograbYouTube How To Roast A Leg Of Lamb For An Easy Easter Centerpiece HOW TO BUY LEG OF LAMB Nowadays, many specialty butchers receive whole an- imals to portion and are happy to share their knowledge, as well as prep a specialty order. The whole, bone-in leg, which includes the shank, is typically about six pounds. Once the bone is removed, the remaining meat should weigh four to five pounds - the perfect size to center your holiday feast around. Ask your butcher to remove as much fat, as well as the paper membrane, as possible. I like to keep the bones, so I can roast and simmer them into lamb stock or a delicious soup called Scotch broth. If a commercial supermarket is a more convenient route, many meat cases carry a packaged (full or partial) butterflied leg, between two and four pounds, trimmed and ready to season and cook. HOW TO PREPARE LEG OF LAMB FOR ROASTING The night before you plan to cook the lamb, make your herb paste. Mash together a small glug of olive oil, half a dozen garlic cloves and a tablespoon of coarse salt with a mortar and pestle, blender or food processor. Add a hefty handful each of fresh oregano leaves and mint leaves, along with a teaspoon each of honey and balsamic vinegar. Or tailor the paste to your tastes, seeking to achieve a balanced flavor that is an herba- ceous, earthy, tangy, salty-sweet enhancement for the meat. With oil, garlic and salt as your base: - Switch up the herbs and try fresh rosemary, thyme, dill, cilantro or parsley. - Swap the vinegar for a different acid, such as lemon or lime juice, sour orange or sherry vinegar. - Instead of honey, sweeten with jelly, jam, maple syrup or pomegranate molasses. Blend to a paste and spread it all over the meat. Cover the lamb with plastic wrap and refrigerate until several hours before cooking. If you’re short on time, marinate the meat at room temperature for at least an hour. To achieve a golden outside, it’s imperative to let the sea- soned meat stand at room temperature for a good while before cooking, so it hits the oven sizzling, instead of steaming to gray first. The boned leg is also the perfect piece to stuff with a favorite filling; then roll, tie and season to roast at 375 degrees for about 1½ hours. HOW TO ROAST LEG OF LAMB Remove the lamb from the refrigerator a couple hours before you plan to roast it. Massage the herb paste into the meat again. Leave it out, covered, at room tempera- ture. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Grind fresh black pepper all over the lamb and roast it on a rack set over a rimmed baking sheet or in a shallow roasting pan, for about half an hour or so, until the thickest part reads 120 degrees (for a rosy medium) on an instant-read ther- mometer. HOW TO SERVE LEG OF LAMB Transfer the meat to a cutting board and loosely tent a piece of aluminum foil over it. Rest for 15 to 20 minutes (important, as this lets the juices settle, so that you get the most tender meat). Thinly slice the meat against the grain and place on a serving platter. (It can be sliced as larger, more formal pieces or smaller ones, as lamb leg can be tricky to slice evenly across.) Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the top, and slice the remaining lemon half. Garnish with a handful of mint leaves sliced into the thinnest of ribbons, oregano leaves and lemon slices, and serve. Grill option: The seasoned meat can cook on a covered grill over medium-high heat on a rack that is at least 6 inches from the fire (to avoid burning the outside and causing fat flare-ups). -Special to TheWashington Post - Continued From Page 18 Butcher Robert Jacob trims a leg of lamb at the now-closed Dean & DeLuca in D.C. in 2002. Photo: Jahi Chikwendiu/TheWashington Post Photos:Tom McCorkle,Food styling byLisa Cherkasky forTheWashington Post Cuisine Entertainment News India Times (March 30 - April 5, 2024) April 5, 2024 26